Predicting What You’ll See from 2020 Census Results

“While we do not have the specific details of this picture yet, it is possible to make some educated predictions about what the 2020 census will tell us.”

According to Dr. William Frey of the Brookings Institution, even though we’re still only in the self-response period of the 2020 headcount, we can draw upon “recent population estimates, surveys, and projections conducted by the Census Bureau and others” to predict what the 2020 Census could ultimately demonstrate, such as lower population growth rates than that to which we’ve become accustomed, faster growth in the west, Texas, and Florida than elsewhere, faster growth in the senior citizen demographic than younger ones, and increased racial/ethnic diversity.

None of this obviates the need to complete a full and accurate count of the American population this year, of course – think of it more as a potential sneak peak!

Read the full details of his demographic predictions.